CSV Download

Stars of Life

Schedule Report

(Generated November 3 at 7:58am)

Date(s): All
Org(s): All
Star(s): Don Marr
State(s): All

November 12
Sen. Ron Wyden
Meeting with Naod Aynalem
November 12 at 2:00 pm
Office of Sen. Ron Wyden [OR]
221 Dirksen Senate Office Building
221 Dirksen
Attending: Joe Scott (Medix Ambulance Service Inc.), Don Marr (Bay City Ambulance), Jason Hodges (AMR [American Medical Response]), Jorge Garcia (Metro West Ambulance (Hillsboro)), Aubree Arneson (AMR [Cal-Ore Life Flight])
November 13
Sen. Jeff Merkley
Meeting with Sen. Jeff Merkley
November 13 at 4:00 pm
Office of Sen. Jeff Merkley [OR]
531 Hart Senate Office Building
531 Hart Constitution Avenue entrance of the Hart Building between 1st & 2nd Sts NE. Staff contact: Elizabeth Hood, 202-934-4686
Attending: Joe Scott (Medix Ambulance Service Inc.), Don Marr (Bay City Ambulance), Jason Hodges (AMR [American Medical Response]), Jorge Garcia (Metro West Ambulance (Hillsboro)), Aubree Arneson (AMR [Cal-Ore Life Flight])