CSV Download

Stars of Life

Schedule Report

(Generated November 2 at 12:25am)

Date(s): All
Org(s): Rescue Inc.
Star(s): All
State(s): All

November 12
Sen. Peter Welch
Meeting with Jahnessa Ryea and Thifeen Deen
November 12 at 12:30 pm
Office of Sen. Peter Welch [VT]
124 Russell Senate Office Building
Sen Welch may stop by for photo 124 Russell
Attending: Bernard Cote (Rescue Inc.), Eric Foell (Regional Ambulance Service, Inc.)
November 13
Sen. Bernard Sanders
Meeting with Sen. Bernard Sanders & Staff
November 13 at 12:15 pm
Office of Sen. Bernard Sanders [VT]
332 Dirksen Senate Office Building
332 Dirksen Staff, Sen. Sanders will stop by
Attending: Bernard Cote (Rescue Inc.), Eric Foell (Regional Ambulance Service, Inc.)