Dylan Schoch
Dylan Schoch performed life-saving techniques to save a child who was suffering physical trauma from a vehicle accident. On Easter Sunday last year, Dylan was called to a motor vehicle accident on a busy stretch of a local highway. Upon completion of the initial triage, it was determined there were five patients; three adults and two children. Dylan was assigned one of the pediatric passengers, a seven-year-old boy, who was pulseless and apneic. Dylan jumped into action, extricating the child and treating him. He at once recognized that the child’s best chance for recovery was at a pediatric Level 1 trauma center, and called for helicopter transport. Dylan and his partner worked to establish and maintain the patient’s airway, performing ventilation and compressions when Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) was achieved. A needle thoracotomy was successfully performed with a return of lung sounds.
Thanks to Dylan’s skill and medical judgment, the young patient survived. And while the child has undergone a series of extensive surgeries and therapies, he is progressing well and is back at home.