Cynthia Betts
Base Medical Manager
With more than 35 years of healthcare service—25 of them at EagleMed—Cindy Betts is known for her compassion, knowledge, skill, and unwavering commitment to patient care.
Cindy’s dedication is evident in her ability to manage both the rotor and fixed-wing bases in Wichita as well as perform her full-time flight shifts. Also, in addition to serving with her EagleMed colleagues, Cindy works at Wesley Medical Center, the Wichita Level I trauma center. During the pandemic, Cindy not only managed both bases when they were facing staffing shortages and high-volume flights but also did so while working extra hours in the Medical Center’s COVID-19 ICU.
Cindy is unstoppable. Her commitment to serve, even when she is working multiple shifts, is remarkable. She is a mentor to new hires and has helped guide dozens of flight nurses and medics for decades with her knowledge and understanding of clinical care.