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Conditions of Participation

The Stars of Life event provides an extraordinary opportunity for emergency medical services professionals from across the country to gather in our nation’s capitol to celebrate and advocate for mobile healthcare excellence.

To ensure the best experience for our participants, we require all attendees to abide by our conditions of participation. By attending Stars of Life as a honoree (Star), host, or guest, you represent the American Ambulance Association and EMS as a whole in Washington, DC. As such, by participating you agree to the following:

  • Attend all scheduled meetings with Members of Congress and their staff. AAA will take the lead on scheduling all Congressional meetings, and will request assistance from constituents as needed and at the sole discretion of the association.
  • Remain professional, polite, on-topic, and focused on the emergency medical services profession during meetings with Congressional offices, regardless of your personal political feelings about any specific elected official, political party, or bill.
  • Remain flexible should weather, pandemic, natural disasters, political unrest, or other factors beyond AAA’s control cause disruptions to the event schedule, and/or cancellation.
  • Follow the cancellation policy for the event as outlined on the Stars of Life registration homepage.
  • Permit photography and videography of yourself and any minor children under your supervision, as well as allow its distribution by AAA on its website, on social media, and in the media.