Anna Baldwin
Mecklenburg EMS Agency
Throughout her time at Medic, Anna Baldwin has proven herself to be an exceptional employee and representative of Medic’s mission. Anna consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty. She is a true inspiration and example of what an EMT should be. Over her two years with the agency, Anna has received 54 commendations from Medic employees and the public, and 9 nominations for a Star of Life.
Anna’s nominations outline her passion for patient advocacy. She treats every patient like they are her only patient that day and with the utmost respect and empathy. Anna listens to get to the root of each patient’s issue and fights on their behalf at the hospital. Whether it be getting an appropriate bed assignment or getting the patient the proper assistance after their discharge, Anna advocates for her patient every time.
Anna also received the Burnette-Nobles Award in 2018 in recognition of her outstanding service to the people in her community. She relentlessly proves herself to be an exceptionally competent, professional, and caring EMT.