David Mikec
Paramedic Field Training Officer
Bell Ambulance, Inc.
David Mikec came to Bell Ambulance in 2014 as a seasoned Critical Care Paramedic. Dave immediately gained respect from his coworkers and it only took him a year to win his first Employee of the Year award in 2015. He won Employee of the Year again in 2019. Since that time, Dave has worked his way through the ranks and is now a Supervisor with the company and has aspirations of management in the future. Dave is well known for bringing his calm, level-headed demeanor into any stressful situation.
During the Pandemic, Dave was a resource for PPE, hygiene and cleaning questions and concerns. He was a shoulder to lean on during the stressful times all the caregivers experienced over the last couple of years. Dave also worked at Fort McCoy as part of Operations Allies Welcome providing treatment and transport to our Afghan refugees. Dave is a jack of all trades. He tends to take people under his wing to help develop them to their fullest potential, and he also takes the time to work with the EMT-Basics to educate them, and help push them toward a career as a Paramedic.