Jacob Rice
Community Care Ambulance Network
Jake is a charismatic person who displays compassion, education and support to his coworkers and his patients with sincerity and trust. He is able to assist in multiple areas of our organization and consistently is a go to person for just about everything. Jake is often used as a field preceptor and has been known to spend time in our control center as an EMS Dispatcher. Jake has gained the admiration from his peers as being a fanatic about station and truck cleanliness. He is a true lead by example individual and is always prepared for whatever adventure is brought his way. One of Jakes nominations came from his shift partner who describes the countless times she has watched Jake take extra time with patients and the amazing feeling it gives her watching and knowing how he makes it personal to make the patients day better and touch their lives. This sentiment was repeated through Jake’s nominations and clearly displays why Jake is a STAR. Jake has been dedicated to the EMS and Fire profession since 2004 when he began as an firefighter at his local Fire Department and then in 2004 as an EMT with Community Care Ambulance. He became a Paramedic in 2008 and recently completed his Critical Care Training in 2013. Jake is about to be a proud new father in just a few months with his wife Heather. Jake spends his time away from EMS tending to his farm animals and spending time outdoors with family.”