Kristine Kokkinos
Emergency Medical Technician
Falck Mobile Health Corp
EMT Kristine Kokkinos has dedicated her EMS skills and expertise to the residents of San Diego County for the last two years. In this relatively short span, she has impacted the lives of hundreds.
On April 1, 2023, her commitment to the role was dramatically put into practice. While en route to another assignment, Kristine and her partner, EMT Luke Stengler, chanced upon a serious accident scene. Without hesitation, they took command of the situation and positioned their ambulance as a protective barrier from ongoing traffic, making the scene safer for everyone involved.
Their rapid assessment led them to prioritize the victims and clear the traffic lanes. However, one individual, reportedly intoxicated and vocal about his intent to end his life, dramatically accelerated his vehicle and crashed into the guardrail of an overpass. As the crew approached him, the man leapt up and dashed for the bridge’s edge. Witnesses and the California Highway Patrol recounted that as he vaulted over the side, shouting his suicidal intent, both Kristine and Luke, without a second thought for their own safety, reached out and caught him in midair. Teetering on the edge, with a 60-70 ft. drop onto active freeway lanes below, the two EMTs held firm. In doing so, they undoubtedly saved his life.
On a personal note, Kristine has called North County, San Diego home since 2018. She completed her EMT certification at Palomar College and has plans to further her education by pursuing her Paramedic License. Away from the high-intensity world of emergency response, Kristine finds solace at the beach, cherishes moments with her family, and scales heights while rock climbing with friends.
San Diego celebrates and deeply appreciates Kristine Kokkinos for her unwavering commitment and selfless service.