Laura Hooker
Emergency Medical Technician
Southwestern Michigan Community Ambulance Service
Laura Hooker has served as an Emergency Medical Technician in Berrien County, Michigan, for seven years, and worked for Medic 1 of Benton Harbor before joining Southwestern Michigan Community Ambulance Service (SMCAS).
Laura has established herself as a positive force in our EMS system and is one of our go-to community-outreach people, driving the cause of EMS in our area through impassioned cultural development.
Practically, Laura has helped redesign inventory control processes, including a “speed loader” program that makes sure crews have the supplies they need while also improving the efficiency of the stocking procedures.
In the field, she and her team members were recognized recently for their exemplary performance in resuscitating a prominent figure in our community.
When Laura is not providing outstanding care and service to Southwestern Michigan, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Patrick, and daughter Anna, gardening, fishing, and “glass hunting” on Lake Michigan’s sandy coastline.
While we are proud of the outstanding service all of our team members provide the people of Southwestern Michigan, we are proud to call Laura Hooker our 2018 Star of Life.