Mark Considine
Critical Care Paramedic
Rescue Inc.
Mark Considine has played a very active role at Rescue Inc over the past 33 years. He has made a huge impact on the agency and each individual provider he has worked with. Mark is the former Chief of Rescue Inc and, although he has stepped down from that role, he continues to be actively involved in QAQI review and with training new Paramedics. He also works as a front line Critical Care Paramedic.
As a Paramedic, Mark continues to be the busiest member of our agency. The most remarkable thing about Mark Considine is that, even though he has been working 48 hour plus weeks for 33 years, he has never complained! He is the hardest-working, most dedicated worker in EMS. Mark also continues to expand his medical knowledge by attending numerous training programs each year and advancing his scope of practice. In our opinion, Mark is at the forefront of paramedicine in the state of Vermont and beyond.
Mark is an excellent mentor. He is eager to pass on his knowledge and assist others in transitioning into management roles. He never ceases to provide insightful and calculated feedback and advice.
In addition, Mark manages to stay fit and active through daily workouts with his wife, Lori-Ann. Throughout 33 years in EMS, he has managed to maintain a balance between work and home life, something that many in our line of work struggle to do. Mark also has two sons, one of which has followed in his footsteps and works full-time at a fire department as a Paramedic and Firefighter.