Mike Dodson
EMS Supervisor
St. Francois County Ambulance District
Mike Dodson has been a paramedic since 2008 and a supervisor for St. Francois County Ambulance District the last 4 years. He has demonstrated the ability to provide excellent patient care while remaining highly compassionate to those in need, as well as extending this compassion to the family members involved. He was instrumental in the implementation of the necessary training needed for the paramedic tactical team that has been formed for the community. One particular event in his life exemplifies the type of person and paramedic he has become. He and his wife were having dinner at a restaurant when he witnessed a gentleman go into cardiac arrest. He quickly began CPR and directed a bystander to call 911. When EMS arrived they took over providing patient care, in which they were able to achieve ROSC while in the restaurant. When he returned to his dinner his wife, emotional from the scene, asked how he could continue to eat after what had happened. He responded, “That is what we do, we help people.” The pride he saw on his wife’s face that day is something he will never forget. Mike is supported in his career by his wife, Shelly and their 5 children.”