Randy Cowger
EMT/ Emergency Medical Dispatcher
Life Emergency Medical Service
Life EMS is honored to submit Randy Cowger as our 2014 Star of Life. Randy began his career in EMS in the year of 2000 as an Emergency Medical Dispatcher in the Life Communications Center. Randy was honored by the City of Enid for his role of providing pre-arrival instructions to a family member of a four year old child who was found face down in a swimming pool. Randy provided CPR instructions to that family member while dispatching an ambulance to the residence. Randy was credited for his quick actions and efficient use of his EMD skills in the resuscitation of the child who survived the near tragedy with no mental or physical deficits and is currently living a happy and normal life. Randy, a basic EMT, is always willing to help in any area of operations at Life EMS when needed, as an Emergency Medical Dispatcher or an EVO on an ambulance, in addition to his duties as Supervisor of Uplift wheelchair services. Randy has a very outgoing personality and is endeared by patients, nursing staff and fellow employees at Life EMS. He willingly steps up and does anything asked of him with a big smile. Thanks Randy!”