Robert Trimmer
EMS Specialist-Firefighter
Chesterfield Fire & EMS
Chesterfield Fire and Emergency Medical Services (Chesterfield, Virginia) is proud to recognize Robert Trimmer as our EMS Star of Life. Robert began his contribution to emergency medical services (EMS) in 1976 with the Lakeside Volunteer Rescue Squad in Henrico, Virginia. He has been a valuable part of the Chesterfield Fire and Emergency Medical Services (CFEMS) family since 1984. He was a participant in the first training program during the development of the Virginia State Police Med-flight program in 1986. During his service with Chesterfield, Robert has impacted our organization as the Infectious Disease Control Officer and a charter member of the Hazardous Incident Team. His attention to detail and commitment to our organization’s vision of safety is evident through his work developing ambulance specifications and monitoring manufacturing compliance and his development of our bariatric patient response initiatives. Robert manages the contracts and purchasing for our department’s entire medical supplies inventory. His fiscal responsibility is further demonstrated by his cooperative participation with our county’s purchasing department, his identification and writing of grants, and his selfless actions as a manufacturer trained medical equipment repair specialist. Conservatively, Robert saves our county and its citizens tens of thousands of dollars each year in fees and repair costs surrounding our medical equipment assets. For his efforts, Robert has received department, and county, recognition including Employee of the Year. Regionally and nationally, Robert distinguishes himself as the chairman of the Metropolitan Richmond EMS Sub-committee, a member of the Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services Financial Assistance Review Committee,National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) drill coordinator, Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Chempack locality manager,Virginia Association of Hazardous Materials Response Specialists conference committee member, and safety manager with Kings Dominion (Hanover, Virginia). Robert’s expertise is respected and sought out by many agencies throughout our state and country. Robert’s nearly four decades of commitment to excellence and quality in EMS has helped our organization navigate the path to becoming a high performance EMS system.”