Susan Zeigler
AMR – South Dakota
What sets Sue Zeigler apart from other EMS professionals is that she is more than just an exceptional EMT – she is an individual that is 100% committed to the health and welfare of the community she serves. A full-time business owner and part-time EMT, Sue still takes responsibility to monitor radio traffic while off-duty. She has even driven her own vehicle to get to the location of a call to assist fellow crewmembers with a cardiac patient. Sue has also taken it upon herself while off-duty to find a partner so an ambulance can be called into service when Pierre’s two-ambulance system is overloaded. A volunteer for AMR at many community events, Sue is always looking for opportunities to educate the public and advocate the importance of CPR training. Sue cancels client appointments at her salon to help fill uncovered shifts. In addition, Sue donates her cosmetic skills to hospice and cancer patients, and is in charge of AMR’s Sentimental Journey program. Sue Ziegler’s commitment to her patients, her co-workers and the community is the reason why she is being honored as a Star of Life.”