Tara Henry
Communication Center Supervisor
Muskogee County EMS
Tara began her EMS career in 2001 when she joined EMSA as an EMT-Basic and an Emergency Medical Dispatcher. In 2002, Tara found her home at Muskogee County EMS, working both as an EMT and an Emergency Medical Dispatcher. She went on to become an EMT-Intermediate and an Emergency Medical Dispatcher Quality Improvement Officer. Throughout the years, Tara has dedicated herself to the Communications Department, working her way up as a Communications Training Officer, QA/QI Supervisor, and now the Communications Center Supervisor. She has focused on improving the training program and the overall culture of the dispatch center.
Tara has been married to Dave Henry for 17 years and together they have three children. Although their oldest son, Braden, has recently moved out of the house, Tara keeps busy with her two adopted children, Maddex, who is involved with the Special Olympics, and Jensyn, who attends cheerleading competitions. Tara is very blessed with her life and her family that she cherishes.
Tara loves the people that she works with and takes great pride in seeing their success. She constantly demonstrates knowledge of dispatching and company procedures, and she shares her knowledge and experiences with the employees to ensure their success as well. Tara is now taking on the challenge of re-accreditation for the Muskogee County EMS Dispatch Center of Excellence. Muskogee County EMS is honored to present Tara Henry as American Ambulance Association Star of Life.
Tara Henry is being nominated due to her phenomenal work ethic throughout her career with Muskogee County EMS. It is time for her to be recognized for all of her hard work behind-the-scenes of the Communication Center, and for her efforts related to re-accreditation for Muskogee County EMS Dispatch Center of Excellence.
Tara Henry is being honored as a Star of Life due to her phenomenal work ethic throughout her career with Muskogee County EMS. She has been under-recognized for all her hard work behind the scenes of the Communication Center and for her efforts to meet the new challenge of re-accreditation for Muskogee County EMS Dispatch Center of Excellence.