Todd Wobbe
AMR/Abbott EMS
Todd Wobbe has dedicated his life to serving his patients and community. With more than forty years of EMS experience, Todd has been on several hurricane and COVID deployments. He has volunteered “at a moment’s notice” to pack up and travel across the country to serve those in great need, often leaving his family for weeks or even months at a time.
When he is not on deployment, Todd puts a lot of his time and energy into patient education. He goes out of his way to make sure every patient he cares for understands his or her medical conditions and medications. Patient care is so important to Todd that his partner reports that he is the only Paramedic she has ever worked with and was adamant that every patient has a pillow and a blanket. He never leaves the ambulance without both of those items on hand.
In addition, Todd loves his coworkers and treats them like family. He is always willing to lend a hand or an ear to help a fellow crew member. He has mentored a countless number of EMTs and Paramedics and is willing to take time out to help newcomers improve their knowledge and skills.