Wendy Unmacht
American Medical Response (AMR)
Wendy Unmacht is being honored as a Star of Life for a career that has featured more clinical saves than her supervisors can count. Throughout her tenure, she has consistently worked to ensure that her patients are all well taken care of. That same level of compassion extends to her colleagues as well. In fact, it is her selfless approach that has made her so successful in her EMS career. She is affectionately known as “Mom” and lives up to that name with her heart, her understanding, her helpfulness, and her caring. She can also be authoritarian when the situation calls for it. As a leader herself, she molds other leaders, sharing her experiences, good and bad, with junior crew members. But mostly she leads by example. She’s on the truck in the community or on the phone putting out fires in the office, generally working 12-36 hours straight. She is tireless, fearless, and an inspiration to all around her.
Wendy has been with AMR for 19 years. In that time, she has done BLS, IFT Transports, 911 ALS, Critical Care, Fire Strike Teams, ER Technician, and the list goes on. She constantly strives to continue to better herself through continuing education, as well as sharing that education with her junior staff members.