Brittney Trybula
Brittney has served as an EMT for Tri-State Ambulance for nearly three years while simultaneously completing her undergraduate degree at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse. She recently graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science.
In addition to work and school, Brittney heads the La Crosse community’s Stop the Bleed (STB) initiative, and has trained hundreds of community members on life-saving bleed control care. She also put together STB kits for the region, which were disseminated to first response and fire agencies, as well as to more than 100 AED enclosures throughout the area.
Brittney has gone above and beyond her EMT role, and has been able to juggle working countless hours on an ambulance while attending school and enhancing her community. She is a go-getter and is always willing to go the extra mile for her patients and colleagues.

Elias Cox
Elias Cox has served as an EMT at Tri-State Regional Ambulance since 2014. During his time as an EMT, Elias was able to compete a bachelor’s degree in teaching.
In addition to working full-time, Elias donates his time as a volunteer EMS provider and is a full-time Paramedic student. Elias always shows up to work with a smile on his face and a can-do attitude. Elias’s coworkers thoroughly enjoy working with him and look forward to him becoming a Paramedic.