Micheline Allaire Clement
Flight Nurse
AirMed International
Micheline Allaire Clement continuously pursues the highest standards in patient care and is always an inspiration to her coworkers. She is known for her remarkable gift for making patients and their family members feel at ease, no matter the situation. She is a positive member of the air medical community and is always looking for solutions to the current challenges facing EMS. Micheline has an MS in Nursing. She also has also attained two advanced certifications; Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) and Certified Flight Registered Nurse (CFRN).
Micheline’s EMS expertise became critical in a personal situation last summer while on a hike with her family. Her brother-in-law collapsed after suffering cardiac arrest. As the only medically trained person on the hike, Micheline performed CPR while others called for help. She continued administering CPR until first responders arrived and were able to get a return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Her brother-in-law had a potentially fatal dysrhythmia for which he now has a pacemaker. He has fully recovered from the incident that could have had a far different outcome had it not been for Micheline’s quick intervention.