Alex Rose
Action Ambulance Service
Alex Rose has been working in EMS for eight years, three of which have been with Action Ambulance Service. In the time Alex has been with Action, he has truly proven to be a shining example of its values. Alex is being awarded the Star of Life for his level of compassion towards his patients and fellow co-workers. He says he decided to become a medic because he “thoroughly enjoys helping people. I wanted to make a positive difference in the world.” Alex does just that as he goes above and beyond to care for patients, both clinically and also with regard to their emotional wellbeing. He has been known to go back to hospitals to see if his patients’ family members needed anything, and has even picked up items to help keep a child busy while the child’s mother was being cared for in the E.R. Alex is an incredible resource of support to his coworkers, whether it is taking a new medic under his wing or just being there when a co-worker needs him. Alex says his “favorite thing about the job is being there for somebody when they need it most.”
Outside of work Alex likes to play sports, play guitar and hang out with his family. His future plans are to continue his career in EMS by making a difference, day by day.