Glen Biddescombe
Lead Preceptor
Armstrong Ambulance Service
Now in his 6th year with Armstrong Ambulance, Glen Biddiscombe has added tremendous value to the company and we are extremely grateful for his vital contributions. Glen began his career with Armstrong Ambulance in 2008 as a Dispatcher, where he coordinated 911, ALS, BLS and Chair Car calls in a busy setting. In 2009, after excelling in his communications, role, Glen completed his EMT certification and became a field provider, demonstrating his commitment to exceptional and compassionate patient care. Since that time, Glen has shown his versatility, flexibility and knowledge base by simultaneously working in multiple roles as an EMD dispatcher, EMT, and lead preceptor. Glen is known for being compassionate, calm and composed, a critical thinker who makes great judgment calls, and for his exceptional technical skills as a public safety dispatcher, EMT, CPR Instructor and Lead Preceptor. As a Lead Preceptor, Glen passes on his high standards of care and customer service to new and current employees. Glen was awarded the role of Lead Preceptor for his ability to think proactively in both every day and crisis situations, as well as having earned the respect of his peers. Glen’s positive image sets a high standard for others in the company. Glen’s reputation for being, smart, kind, patient, a great teacher, well liked, approachable and “just an all-around good guy”, has his co-workers continually seeking him out for assistance and advice which he is always willing to give. Glen always has positive words to say about his colleagues and shares encouragement with fellow employees. Glen was on duty as an EMT and in the center of the April 19th manhunt in Watertown for the Boston Marathon Bombers. Glen’s unwavering dedication to his EMS role was shown during that day and evening when the unimaginable was yet to unfold. We are proud of Glen as is his wife and daughter for being a Stars of Life recipient and are extremely fortunate to have him as part of the Armstrong Ambulance family.”