Gordon Reed
Hunter’s Ambulance Service Inc
Gordon Reed joined Hunter’s Ambulance Service in 2006 as an EMT-B; and worked in that capacity for 5 years. He then rejoined our team a year and a half ago as a Paramedic. Since Gordon’s return, we have received multiple commendations from patients, family members and local fire and EMS departments on his exemplary performance in the field. His patient care, professionalism and the comfort he provides are often noted. Gordon is dependable, caring and is well deserving of recognition. Commendations from patients all read the same “professional, courteous, respectful”. Patients appreciate his care and concern during stressful times. His commendations include the Chief of Durham EMS calling to state that Gordon “performed phenomenally, and although the outcome was not successful, he was impressed with the superior work performed by Gordon.” Also, the Chaplin from MidState Medical Center expressed his sincere thanks to Gordon for his participation in the incident and diffusion from a tragic multiple patient motor vehicle accident involving the deaths of two young children. The Chaplin was impressed by Gordon’s maturity and he recognized Gordon’s dedication and commitment to caring for others including his colleagues. Gordon is being honored as a Star of Life for his professionalism and dedication. In December 2013, Gordon was honored and awarded the 2013 Hunter’s Ambulance Distinguished Service Award for EMS- Paramedic. Hunter’s Ambulance is privileged to have such a dedicated person as part of our team.”