Kelly Hamill
Flight Nurse
Air Evac Lifeteam
Kelly Hamill is being honored for her impressive ability to pivot the focus of her care and successfully utilize her training on a new lifesaving technology for infants.
Kelly’s dedication and flexibility were recently demonstrated when she and her partner were dispatched to a rural hospital for what they thought was a call for a mobile EMS response for an adult female transport. However, they ended up providing care and resuscitating a baby as well.
Kelly and her partner, Dakota Shadwell, worked together to stabilize both the mother and the baby, who was born prematurely at 27 weeks’ gestation and weighed only two pounds. They utilized Bubble CPAP technology designed specifically for such small and fragile patients. Their skillful employment of this new advanced system allowed the baby to go from a distressed respiratory condition to a stable one.
The pair then continued to treat the baby, increasing blood glucose, attempting UVC, and obtaining peripheral IV access. They stayed with the baby until a ground pediatric specialty team arrived, then transported the mother by air to another regional hospital.