Nicole Mazzone
Emergency Medical Dispatcher (EMD-Q)
Hunter’s Ambulance
Nicole Mazzone was hired in 2013 as a Non-Emergency Telecommunicator. She excelled very quickly in her duties and transferred to EMS Dispatch in 2015.
Exhibiting a desire to conquer further challenges, Nicole worked diligently to obtain the certifications necessary to transition from Call Receiver to Dispatcher. Nicole continued to show her proficiency and leadership by becoming a Field Training Officer and inspiring our new Dispatchers to strive for excellence. Her most recent certification in Emergency Medical Dispatch Quality Assurance is a critical role in maintaining our center’s IAED accreditation.
Nicole stands out as a leader among her peers. Nicole exhibits extreme professionalism under pressure. She is efficient, clear minded, calculated, fair, knowledgeable, and takes pride in every aspect of each job that she performs. Nicole is a true example of what a leader embodies through her dedication to her profession.
Nicole was recently chosen as the Hunter’s Ambulance Service 2019 Distinguished Service Award recipient for Telecommunications.