Nicole Piazza
Nicole Piazza is being honored for displaying great skill and calm in several pediatric cardiac arrest situations, and for responding to calls even though she was off-duty. In one recent event, Nicole was on her way home when she heard that there was a multiple shooting in Hartford. Even though she was off-duty, Nicole did not hesitate to go to this call, which was in a dangerous and unsafe area. Once there, she contacted the crews involved and provided excellent communication to support the EMS effort. The scene was quite hectic and yet, Nicole remained calm. She was praised for her service that day and for the many other times she showed up to help when she was not on duty.
Nicole also serves as the Chair of her operation’s Risk and Safety Committee—a role she takes very seriously. She is not only passionate about the safety of her patients, but also the safety of her teammates. It is not uncommon for her to stay late to give support to crew members after they have returned from a difficult call.
So, whether she is training a new hire, providing care to her patients, or advocating for her coworkers, Nicole prides herself on being the best that she can be.