Sheila Jackson
Metro West Ambulance
Sheila Jackson has worked for Metro West Ambulance for over 20 years. Calm, professional, and caring, Sheila continuously demonstrates high level compassionate clinical care, whether it is a routine patient transport or a more emotionally challenging event.
Mentoring new Paramedics and EMTs is Sheila’s passion. Sheila’s 20 plus years of dedication to EMS is seen throughout community, as she spends a lot of her off time volunteering with animal shelters and with a local fire agency. While volunteering, she trains, coaches, and mentors new Medics, and is always ready to share her years of wisdom with others, from new EMTs to seasoned Paramedics.
When not on duty, Sheila enjoys spending time with her children and grandchildren.
Sheila’s dedication to Metro West Ambulance and the EMS community is demonstrated through her hard work and perseverance. She is loyal, honest, and committed to the growth of the EMS profession. She rarely misses a day of work, fills in when necessary for fellow medics, and continuously volunteers her time to make a difference. Metro West Ambulance is proud to honor Sheila as a 2019 Star of Life.