Trevor Harris
EMT, Dispatcher
LifeCare Ambulance Service
Trevor Harris came to work at LifeCare Ambulance Service as a newly trained EMT in January of 2009. He performed very well on an ALS unit right up until a fateful morning. On September 1, 2010,Trevor was involved in a significant car crash on his way to work. He was severely injured and his return to the workforce was not a given. Trevor was finally able to return after eight months of healing and rehabilitation. Through perseverance and dedication, Trevor was able to adapt quickly into our dispatch center. His performance since the transition has been remarkable. Below are some excerpts from the three nominations received for Trevor Harris: “I would like to nominate Trevor Harris for the Star of Life. Trevor has overcome great obstacles in his personal life to get to the point he is at with this company. Trevor does an excellent job at dispatching and is a voice of calm and reason when it comes to the hectic dispatching and dealing with us road crews”. “I would like to nominate Trevor Harris for this honor. He is a very effective dispatcher who always keeps tension at a low key. He is a hero in our radio dispatch center in my opinion”. “Trevor always has a positive attitude, even when the system is slammed and he is getting phone calls with crews complaining. He watches out for the well-being of the crews and listens to their suggestions. He has been a great asset to the dispatch team”. Trevor and his wife Abby have four children ranging in ages from 5 to 10. LifeCare’s previous Stars of Life recipients chose our 2014 Star of Life honoree from the nominations received, and we are pleased that they have chosen Trevor as our 2014 Stars of Life.”