Marisol Puerto
“I would recommend Marisol Puerto for this recognition. Marisol and I were partners on Medic 98 (now M920) prior to my promotion, where I had the pleasure of witnessing, first hand, an individual that is dedicated to the EMS profession. She has earned the respect, the admiration, and the trust of her colleagues within the HCEC family. Marisol is dedicated to continuing her education both professionally and academically. I have had the pleasure of interacting with numerous students through my background at Texas A&M University and with HCEC; I can truthfully say that over the course of those interactions, very few have impressed upon me as much as Marisol has. She is a solid, bright, and intelligent person that has pushed herself to achieve her goals.”
“She serves so many roles for HCEC—Field Training Officer, In-Charge Paramedic, Bike Medic, Card Class Instructor, Interview Panel participant—which only a few others can lay claim to. Marisol represents HCEC Core Values extremely well and I feel she deserves to be recognized on a national level.”

Shaun Kirkdorffer
Shaun Kirkdorffer exemplifies each pillar of HCEC’s Corps Values every time he comes to work. He is a trusted professional, a trusted colleague, and a trusted member of the community. Shaun is the embodiment of stewardship, working not only as a leader at HCEC but also leading community outreach through his church.
His colleagues state that Shaun is a great example of an AAA Star of Life. He is a role model employee and upstanding citizen. He represents us well both on and off duty. He currently serves us as an FTO and In Charge. He is and has been involved with outreach ministries for inner-city youth through his church. He is well known by a good majority of the citizens in our community not only for his job duties, but also for his involvement with the community.