Jo-Ann White-Hall
Emergency Medical Technician
Hunter’s Ambulance Service Inc
Jo-Ann White-Hall joined Hunter’s Ambulance Service in 2008 as an EMT. She has been actively involved with community events and has continued to encourage interest in the field of EMS (Emergency Medical Services). She has received several commendations for her dedication to achieve positive patient outcomes. Our Management Team along with other responding agencies have remarked on her ability to coordinate a unified response for the welfare of those around her and within her care. She has often taken time to provide feedback for improved performance at multiple events. Jo-Ann was recently recognized by supervision for her performance at a standby that required the triage of approximately 20 plus persons. She assessed the situation establishing treatment for those who were medically ill while activating the system which resulted in the declaration of an MCI (Mass Casualty Incident) and transport of multiple patients. Multiple accolades from supervisors and the public prove she is an asset to our EMS team. She communicates with event leadership to establish expectations. Her ability to work with and follow procedures has been reported from multiple venues such as the Durham and Berlin Fair EMS response providers. Jo-Ann is being honored as a Star of Life for her professionalism and dedication. In December 2013, Jo-Ann was honored and awarded the 2013 Hunter’s Ambulance Distinguished Service Awards for EMS-Emergency Medical Technician. Hunter’s Ambulance is privileged to have such a dedicated person as part of our team.”