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Tag: Spirit Medical Transport

John Hathaway

It is with great enthusiasm that Spirit EMS dba Spirit Medical Transport, LLC nominates John R. Hathaway, Jr. for the prestigious Star of Life Award. As an EMT in the service of Spirit EMS since July 17, 2007, John has consistently exemplified exceptional dedication, compassion, and resilience in his role, profoundly impacting both his colleagues and the communities he serves.

Before joining Spirit EMS, John was a dairy farmer, a career that instilled in him a remarkable work ethic and commitment to duty, evident in his transition to emergency medical services. His agricultural roots have deeply influenced his approach to EMS, where he applies the same principles of hard work, punctuality, and reliability. Even following two knee replacements in 2023, John’s service record remains unparalleled, totaling 3,885.83 hours in 2022 and 3,079 hours in 2023—maintaining the highest service hours among his peers.

At 70 years old, John’s unwavering commitment is evident in every emergency response, whether it be a critical care transport on Christmas morning or assisting patients in the quiet hours of early morning. His philosophy, humorously stated as, “The only valid reasons for not showing up are being dead or in jail,” perfectly captures his dedication. This commitment was notably recognized in 2022 when he was awarded a new Toyota Rav4 for his outstanding service and perfect attendance among a group of seven distinguished finalists.

John’s transition from farming to EMS was also driven by a desire to expand and enhance the services provided by his company, demonstrating his adaptability and commitment to community service. His daily interactions are imbued with a unique blend of humor and empathy, a tribute to his late brother Keith, whose legacy of joy he strives to continue.

Moreover, John’s compassionate nature extends beyond his professional duties. He provides comfort and encouragement to patients and their families, making a lasting impact on their lives with his ability to blend genuine care with humor, enriching the experiences of those he serves.

In recognition of his exemplary service, relentless dedication, and the profound impact he has made on countless lives, John R. Hathaway, Jr. is an outstanding candidate for the Star of Life Award.